Where is PerfumeQueen?

sorry all out out there looking for new postings!  But I am having terrible allergies which makes me asonimic (unable to smell) several notes.  Thus reviewing perfumes is sort of not going to happen til it goes away or I get a rare day where I can smell things as normal again. 

So a Challenge . . .


What perfume to wear to a 10 year reunion?  I used to be the super tiny, bookish, kinda insecure little nobody is school.  The kind ignored or picked on by the popular kids and ran with the intellectuals.  (which, in retrospect was a much better way to go.)  Now…I’m out to conquer!  I’ve blossomed into a full fledged female with fatale leanings…


suggestions?  Might post a top ten list on this one later.


Til the allergies clear, see you!

Published in: on June 19, 2008 at 8:13 pm  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Glad to see you back. And I know exactly where you are coming from with both the nose thing and the reunion thing.

    My 20th is coming up! Eeek!!!!

    I guess it’s a matter of what you feel sexiest and most confident in. The scent that makes you go “Damn! I smell GOOOD!”

    The 2 I’ve found that never fail to get a positive reaction and leave me feeling confident and happy:

    – Ava Luxe, Madame X
    – Dior, Hypnotic Poison

    Have a great time at your reunion!

  2. Hypnotic poison is one of my favorites, though maybe a tad heavy for out of doors.

    the damn I smell good thing is alot of bottles.

    20 years? I bet you’ll knock them dead 🙂

  3. Hey girl …you should wear your all out favorite floral , like Ameureuse !!
    Did you get the iris samples I sent ?

  4. It is so a competition between Amoureuse — bonus for body cream,
    My stand by Femme, which I bought body powder for
    the dirty flirty Jicky

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