Split Interest?

Is anyone out there interested in a Split of Ellie D?  It runs 185 for 1/2 ounce at Luckyscent, which is a bit hefty during the recession….

If I get enough interest I’d love to arrange a split.


On to other things —  pregnancy is really messing with my nose.  I recieved (finally, thanks US MAIL) a very nice surprise package from the winner of the last drawing.  Thank you so much Jen!  I have yet to sniff much of it as everything smells kind of off to me lately.  Hopefully things go back to normal post birth. 

However, my beloved Eau des Merveilles still smells pretty great to me, and I have actually gotten to the half way usage mark on the bottle of EDT.  imagine that!  I might have to replace it in a few months.

Published in: on March 30, 2009 at 2:01 am  Comments (1)